You can pick your friends,
You can pick your nose,
but you can't pick your friend's nose.
Well, I have this friend - by no means an ordinary friend - whose friendship is almost without boundaries. I admit there has been no shared nose-picking, but don't get me started on scabs!
This friend is more than a friend. She is family. She is my un-biological sister. She is my person.
After my husband, she is the one I can tell anything to. She has seen and knows more about me than any other person. She is the one who I would pretty much do anything with. Don't make me tell you about our tattoo misadventure!
She is the one who after one phone call begging me to blog again so that she wouldn't have to do it alone, that here I am blogging!
I protest a lot to the things she begs me to do and she calls me a "hater", a term of which I derive all of her endearments. And yet here I am caving yet again! Because ultimately she knows how to light a spark of excitement in my life. She knows how to draw out the adventurer and dreamer in me.
We met at church. We and were thrown together in interesting social situations. Her husband was my dad's best friend. We would often have pizza and game nights at my parents. I didn't know her too well, but there was something about her that I respected and admired. So I asked her if she would meet with me regularly as someone I could talk to and be accountable to.
*Side Note: She is only a few years older than me, but her husband, Mike, is the same age as my folks. Lots of jokes and stories I could tell you there, but the most important thing is that they love each other and they both love the Lord! So I like to tell people that my best friend is married to my dad's best friend!
Soon after I started meeting with Kea (better known as Keakree to me) our friendship blossomed. It wasn't long before I started working for her and Mike as their secretary. The years of fun that we had everyday is something that I will treasure always.
Rubber-band wars
Playstation at lunch time
Pants-wetting laughter
Approximately 12 years of friendship later our friendship has grown into one stronger than I have ever known. We no longer live in the same town, let alone province as each other anymore, but our bond has only grown as it does it such cases.
I have kids and she has her dogs (don't you dare think they are any less important!). I am a stay-at-home-mom and she is a high-school art teacher. She is athletic and I am more into spectator-sports. Our lives are very different, but the things we value and care about are parallel. Not to mention a same love for books, movies, and comic book characters!
I have her back and she has mine. She is the only friend I say "I love you" to. I love Kea like David loved Johnathan. I am the Meredith to her Christina. She is my person.
So Keakree, this is my public declaration that OLIVE YEW!
If you would like to follow her blog you can find it here